“Crossing Nomad” is an unpublished book born from the collaboration between myself, Gigi, an art director from the Netherlands, and Ricky Cohete, a fashion photographer from Ecuador. This book holds more than just words and images; it encapsulates a fragment of life from New York’s flower district in 2010, a district that has since evolved into the vibrant Nomad District we know today.
In 2005, I made 105 West 28th Street, NYC, my home—a place that etched its significance into my memory. I resided there until 2015, when the building’s owner decided to sell and pave the way for one of the modern hotels that have redefined the flower district into the contemporary Nomad District.
That address, 105 West 28th Street, continues to resurface in my thoughts, occasionally appearing in my profiles and bank accounts. Its significance is profound; it’s a reminder not only of its physical absence today but also of the profound essence the flower district held within New York City. This area was a microcosm of the city itself, with its diverse people, towering structures, mingling scents, chaotic traffic, intense heat, occasional conflicts, and, most importantly, the individuals who fueled the heart of New York. It’s a reminder of the unceasing tide of real estate development that shapes the city’s ever-changing landscape.
“Crossing Nomad” isn’t just a recounting of these times; it’s a portal to relive the years when I established one of my earliest ventures, MySuites. The book is a narrative of a collective of designers hailing from all corners of the globe, passing through New York—a transitory moment that saw MySuites evolve into a community of creative souls. Together, we cast our gaze upon the authentic essence of a New York neighborhood—a neighborhood that’s become a legend in its own right.